Monday, March 9, 2020

Lab 5 - Reflection

NOTE: The code written for the aarch_64 architecture was mostly done by my group members. 

aarch_64 Code:

X86_64 Code:

Print character reference:

Welcome to my reflection on lab 5. This lab required us in several groups to get our feet wet with assembler programming for the aarch_64 and x86_64 architecture. The task we were given was to write a program that allowed the word "Loop" with a number to be printed 30 times. And we were required to write two versions of this program that worked with each of the architectures names previously. This blog entry will provide a overview between both versions of the program as well as my overall thoughts on programming in assembler for these newly encountered architectures.

The structure of the aarch_64 version of the program goes by the following. In the initialization stage there are two constants that determine the size of the loop. Continuing with initialization is where the "min" constant is loaded into the register x19 and the value 10 is loaded into the register x20. In the loop section, it starts off by taking the value in x19 and dividing it by 10 and storing both the remainder and the quotient into separate registers. The quotient is will act as the left digit and the remainder will act as the right digit. Once the digits are retrieved the number 48 is added on to them so that they can be displayed in ASCII format. Afterwards both digits are inserted into the correct slots in the "Loop:" message. However there is a check that ensures that if the left digit is a zero it won't be inserted. Once all the character processing is done the message with the numbers is printed. And at the end of the loop the value in x19 is incremented. To finish it off the program exits with a code 0.

The code for the x86_64 version of the program works similarly to the aarch_64 variant. However, the main difference is how the numbers are outputted. As compared to the aarch_64 version where numbers were inserted into the message, here the numbers are printed one by one. The way it works is that first I print "Loop:" then a space, then the first digit, the second digit, and finally a new line character. The actual printing of the individual characters works by first pushing the ASCII value or register containing the number I wanted to print onto the stack. Afterwards, I set the message location to be the memory location in the stack pointer. This will then tell the "sys_write" function what I want to print. And finally the desired character will be printed by calling "sys_write".

What stood out to me when coding for both architectures was how similar it was to writing code for the 6502 architecture. As in the 6502 I was managing registers and here I was doing the same thing just with more of them, in addition to more functionality being made available like division and modulus. In terms of debugging I would say it was a little bit easier as there were more community resources available to me like forum and blog posts. Now when comparing x86_64 and aarch_64, in terms of base coding structure they are quite similar except when it comes to the use of functions. As in aarch_64 for the most part you could use any register you wanted with any function but in x86_64 certain functions would only work if certain registers had specific values. The division function is a clear example of this, as in aarch_64 you could use any register you wanted as arguments. But for x86_64, you had to make sure that the rdx register was at zero and you could only divide the value in the register rax. Overall working on both architectures presented an interesting challenge and at the same time had demystified what its like to actually work on these chips at such a low level.

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